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 JMOs and supervisors - improve your experience of supervision 

Junior medical officers rely heavily on their supervisors, and vice versa. The flipside is that supervision is a two-way street. While we rely upon others to be effective in their roles, it is also important that we are effective in our roles and we take some responsibility for the impact of our behaviour on others.


The Flipside values charter guides us as supervisors and junior doctors to enjoy satisfying and productive supervision relationships. 







Watch a short video about the Flipside and how the charters can be useful to you


Depending on your role, take the JMO quiz or supervisor quiz to see how well you meet the charter (don't worry if you don't score high marks the first time).


Learn how to use the charter, and access educational resources and links available on this site.



The charter is summarised in these 7 principles:

  1. Demonstrate respect

  2. Promote diversity and wellbeing

  3. Ensure patients and staff are safe

  4. Create a good learning environment

  5. Monitor and manage workload

  6. Achieve effective feedback

  7. Practice ethically


Will you pledge to endorse these principles? 


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